Rules and Bye-Laws
Rule Book
Registered under Registration No.
BOM—96/69 G.B.B.S.D.
Rules and Bye—laws.
Published by General Secretary, Sewak Jatha, Bombay.
262/12, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Bombay—1.
RULE I. :— The name of the Organisation will be “SEWAK JATHA”, Bombay.
1. Any person can become a member of Jatha by paying the prescribed entrance fee and the subscription fees.
2. The Jatha will consist of four categories., Namely. Associate, Sewak, Managing and Life Members.
3. An Associate member will have to pay Rs.5/— per annum. Sewak member Rs.3/— Managing Member. Rs.4/— and a Life Member by paying Rs.101/—.
A student member will not have to pay the annual subscription.
4. a) At the time of taking oath a description of the Sewak Member and Associate member shall be necessary.
b) The admission of a new member must be recommended by an existing member.
c) A member must possess the prescribed uniform.
RULE No.3:— a) Associate Member:—
i) Associate member must pay the subscription fee but he shall not have the right to participate in the elections.
ii) An Associate member may participate in Sewa at his own option, but shall be bound to appear on all religious occasions if invited to do so,
iii) Associate member on securing permission from Jathedar may participate, if he so desires, in Sewa, in full uniform.
b) Sewak Member:-(Ordinary General Member).
i) Sewak member shall be bound to attend all election and other meetings on receipt of a letter or any other emergency programme.
ii) Sewak member shall have complete rights in a meeting to participate and vote in elections.
iii) He is bound to submit intimation prior to leaving Bombay City.
iv) The annual subscription must be paid by the end of November, Extension may be granted upto the month of December, failing which membership will be liable to be terminated.
v) Fai1ure to attend six meetings and Sewa, continuously shall entail termination of membership.
RULE 4: — Character of a Member.
i) He shall bear a good moral character.
ii) He should be obedient and responsible while on duty.
iii) He shall be courageous and humble.
Iv) He should abstain from all intoxication.
v) Every member shall adhere to the principles of his religion.
NOTE:— The Managing Committee may disqualify any member who defies the above rules.
i) Blue Turban, white shirt with half sieves, white Churidar Pyjama, black coloured Gatra with sword.
ii) Any alteration in the uniform shall be within the right of the Managing Committee.
iii) Every member shall be responsible for getting his own uniform.
iv) Participation in Sewa shall not be permitted with the proper uniform.
v) The uniform as well as the badge of the Jatha only shall be permissible.
1) Only Sewak members and Life members are eligible for elections.
2) Elections shall be held for the following posts and 6 Committee Members.
1. President
2. Vice – President
3. Hon. Secretary
4. Two Jt. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Internal Auditor
7. Store – Keeper
8. Jt. Store – keeper
9. Jathedar
10. 4 Asst. Jathedar
3) The abovementioned office bearers arid Committee members shall be elected in a General Body Meeting, once in every two years. (i.e. Biennial).
4) Any member who is in arrears in the payment of annual subscription shall not be entitled to veto.
5) 1/3rd of the members shall constitute a quorum.
6) Only persons who have already been general members for atleast one year shall be eligible for the membership of the Managing Committee.
1) The Managing Committee shall consist of 20 members who have been elected for this purpose.
2) 1/3rd of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
3) In the absence of the President or the Vice—President an officiating President may be elected and proceedings of the committee may be continued.
4) If any Managing Committee Member remains absent without prior intimation in three continuous meetings he shall be liable to be removed.
5) To arrange free water (Chabeeles0 at all social gatherings and processions.
Our organisation has now embarked upon the massive effort to raise funds for the purchase of SEWAK AMBULANCE to serve the humanitarian cause of the Citizen of Bombay in the current year, with a view to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and needy.
ad/ - Dalip Singh
Hon. Gen. Secretary